Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama

I will not write very much about this, but I feel like I need to write a little bit about what I am thinking. I do not agree with Barack Obama or with the Democratic party. I simply cannot agree with a person or a party that would continue to allow abortion to be legal in America. I am not excited about our new President or our new government, but I remember who is ultimately in control. Last night I was thinking about the inaguration and I was feeling a little uneasy. God reminded me that no one, not a king or a politician, can do a thing without God allowing him to do it. I take comfort in knowing that God can do mighty things, even through a man such as Obama. I will pray for our President and our government. Please pray with me.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you girl. I believe that a lot of Christians (Who didn't vote for President Obama) Feel this way as well,
    but you're right. No one can do anything without God allowing them.
    Which means God is still in control no matter who's in the oval office.

    Thanks for the up lifting feeling that God is still the boss. =)
    Love you girl.
